Calibrate: a wearable + app for champions

Most fitness trackers and training apps are designed for the general population. Performance athletes are edge cases making these other trackers essentially useless for their training and fitness needs. 

Calibrate is designed for these high-performance athletes – the marathon runners, pro cyclists, and Olympians. Using a combination of a continuous wear wristband and mobile app, athletes are provided deep insights regarding their resting heart rate, heart rate variability, sleep, and caloric needs.

design research | UI | prototyping | usability testing



Scope, research + insights

How might we enable female, performance athletes to better understand their bodies physiological states, allowing them to reach their full potential?

Female, performance athletes - those training for specific sports and goals instead of just general fitness

Most fitness trackers and training apps are for the general population - performance athletes are edge cases. Female performance athletes are especially unique - menstruation greatly impacts training, racing, and recovery.

Using scoring methods that encompass heart rate variability (HRV)*, resting heart rate (RHR), sleep, and the menstrual cycle, scores determine how close an athlete is to her peak performance.

Using these metrics enables women to understand their recovery level, a useful tool in injury prevention, and a predictor of optimal performance. 



professional cyclists | amateur cyclists | CrossFit competitors | amateur triathletes


Research insights

insight 1.png
insight 2.png
insight 3.png
insight 4.png


Functional + visual designs

Calibrate is comprised of a wristband, and a smartphone app.


Rough sketches

Read more about my process of simplifying Calibrate here.


To more detailed wireframes


Main Dash


HRV Weekly Trends


Defining HRV


Sleep Weekly Trends


Resting Heart Rate Dash


Sleep Time



Ecosystem + system maps

The full system flow can be seen here.



Testing + prototyping

I created a rough rating system incorporating numerous factors to see how tracking these elements would affect my everyday levels of rest, recovery, and training.



Final concepts

I chose colors that are feminine, without being cliche.
Since this is a data-heavy app, I opted for a clean, minimal UI to keep the focus on the data.

I opted for high contrast colors that looked like they were almost glowing to show distinctions across recovery and sleep levels and other notable changes.


Main Dash

HRV Trends Screen

Weekly Sleep Time
